Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Gmanall Podcast #3 The Seam Factor

It is up after two weeks it is up go here to lision to it and you can hit the butten that lest you get it every time visa iTunes

Friday, March 28, 2008

Novalogic Update

So as you may know yesterday I posted a thing on the new Delta Force (Yes, it hit home to me) I also left Joystiq a note and yes today I find that they made a post out of it (Yay me!). Just thought I would let you know.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Update:Sorry, about that yeah that is not so new but it is very intresting and I shall keep a goo eye on it as I am a big fanboy of Land Warrior.

Stall #1: Killzone 2 Release Ever?

Yeah, you know the one with the guns that is being stalled and stalled. Though that sounds like a lot of games lately looking at the box for Killzone 1 got me thinking why all the stall? It was said that it was going to be the Halo 3 killer (Like it said before).

First lets look at the past game in the Killzone history. Yes, for all of you that are wondering I did play it not all the way due to some glitch but I spent 50+ hours on it so I can speak on it. some of the main problems in the game that I saw was its draw distance, glitchs and lack of difference between the enemys and you and your teammates were not very noticeable and framerate controls ect. It managed to get average reviews.

The next Killzone was on the psp and was a 3rd person shooter did very good for the system it was put on (Not hitting the , just saying that it sold well for the system but not anything like Halo). It was a top down shooter which was way different when compared to the console version which was a FPS. It also promised to come with downloadable content but it was around a year later when that happend.

My gusse is that it will hit and be good but not beat Halo 3/Resistance 2/Gears 2.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Demo-Man #1 Condemed

I have to say first that I still am having audio problems and that I am sorry about the screen fitting and that there is no backround music only me. I will try to get it in better quality next time.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sorry, no Podcast this Week

Now before you get your pitch forks and shotguns I did recored it but my mic and computer were acting weird so I will try to get it fixed by this weeks Podcast. However, I am in the works as I am writing this to produce the first ever Demo-Man which hopefully will soon be up very soon and I will give it a rundown later so until then bye.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Prediction of the Week #1: Going to Vegas

Yep, its that time of week what you say you have never heard of this on the blog ummm ok lets try this again. Welcome to the New part of the week were we take a game that is about to be released and try to find out what its average score will be on metacritic.

Ok here is how it works I talk about the game here and give it a score before it is released(One more day on this one) and you yes you can give a score in the comments and if you are on the money(Sorry bad pun) and i'm not then you will have a post dedicated to you and you can tell you'r friends that I do not know anything and block my blog FOREVER well maybe not but you get the point.

Ok know that I am basing this on previews and what I have heard. My best bet is that this game is going to be a rehash of the old game and that if this was a pc game 8 years back it would be a expansion pack but with the counsels they had to make it a full game. The core gameplay has not changed much from the last title and few guns or weapons are added to the game.

Now onto the good parts people liked the game the first time so they will like it again and with it being in a different part in Vegas it won't totally feel rehashed and also that it says Tom Clancy on the front of the package will score some points and with some new gameplay elements it could end up fun.

Dealing with the multiplayer it will be ok but not good at least compared to COD4 or Halo 3 so it will feel fine but maybe a little bit to tacked on.

75-90 Metacritic

The Gmanall Podcast #001: The PC Down Fall?

Yes, it is out and the link will be at the bottom to were you can find it. This week we take a look at the PC market and see if it is failing or if there is something we can do about it. On another hand we take a look at the newly said Moterstorm 2 and see how I was right. Also, we got a intro by the Nine Inch Nails so check that out. P.S its legal

Notes: The things that I need to improve on are Sttttuuterrriinnggg yeah I know I did that alot and next time i will try to stop that. I also need to be more prepared before I do a podcast.

Just go to you can subscribe to it by clicking on the iTunes button

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Gman Commentary #1 Unreal Engine 08

Yeah, we have all seen the big meat cube form the video and laughed our head off but after you laugh what are they trying to tell you. For your convenience I have embedded the video above.

The first thing that they talk about is the fact that you can trust them to update and that they are always moving forward in their technology. That made me laugh a little as they are/were sued over putting out new tech and the company didn't get it(Full story and also nothing really was ground breaking because all that they were showing has been done before and maybe even better like the soft body's Mercury Meltdown (That was on a last gen system so it did not look so shiny) ,the amount of body's was in Dead Rising and the crumbling environments were done in Black and are almost done in Battlefield: Bad Company. No that I am done hacking on it lets get to the good part if you have paid attention those games were centered around those key features like Black that was a game that just broke even on the charts because of the crumbling environment and the good graphics but it did not have the soft bodys. I think what I am trying to get at is that first it will incorporate all of these features all in one engine so it will make it easier to the developer to make the game with all of these features in it. Seconded is that we will see more games like those in the future because its all there. Well that abouts sums it up tune in next time.

I Rule I......

Yep, last podcast as you may know if you heared it is that my perdition of the week was that Moterstom 2 would have a very different setting and also that it would be nice to have it somewere were you could see tons off very good looking plants (Because it is well known that the last one was a desert and though the plants looked good there was hardly any). So you think about were they would go to *Drum roll* The jungle talk about going form one extreme to another. There are however a few things that worry me about this the last game was out in the desert so the playing plane was clear and that made it were you could have many different paths even though you can bet that this is going to have the multiple paths in the jungle it most likely will have a more cramped feeling which the first one was trying to go the other way and be as open as possible. Though in the same breath they have a chance to make this way better then the first, can you imagine going on a ramp flying through the mist and seeing the view but (Yeah, I hate that word to) what are the chances of them doing something good with this. Maybe

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Weekly 8 Bit #1 The Home of the Gmanall

I have for the last week been trying to figure out were to put my final blog and as you may know I have been all over the place from Yuwie to these other podcast/blog place. I will still have the podcast place but that is for the hosting of my weekly podcast.

In ways of gaming I am still on HL2:DM yeah I know that it is as old as dirt but hay its free so why not play it to death. My goal is to get in the top ten on this one server they have had over two thousand players and alot of them are good so we'll see. My current rank is 60 so it shouldn't take so long to reach. What draws me to it (Besides it being free) is that it is placed in the Half-Life universe which means that you also have the weapons, setting and the Gman. All in all for being a free game it is sweet, that does not mean that it does not have any problems like alot of spaming, spawnkill and just being a online pig though that is mainly the people which is not its fault.

I have also played the flash version of Line Rider which I heard about when some people were talking about the soon to be retail version. It is good the flash version seems almost point less as all you can do is head downhill or you just sit there and if you do anything to hard you flip and crash and there being no goals seems rather as I said pointless but thats were the retail version comes in play as you have to pay for it and that will include goals backrounds and customable gameplay on the counsels .

And thats about all that has been going on this week in my life.

PS: Stay tuned tomorrow for the latest Gmanall Podcast