Friday, March 14, 2008

The Gman Commentary #1 Unreal Engine 08

Yeah, we have all seen the big meat cube form the video and laughed our head off but after you laugh what are they trying to tell you. For your convenience I have embedded the video above.

The first thing that they talk about is the fact that you can trust them to update and that they are always moving forward in their technology. That made me laugh a little as they are/were sued over putting out new tech and the company didn't get it(Full story and also nothing really was ground breaking because all that they were showing has been done before and maybe even better like the soft body's Mercury Meltdown (That was on a last gen system so it did not look so shiny) ,the amount of body's was in Dead Rising and the crumbling environments were done in Black and are almost done in Battlefield: Bad Company. No that I am done hacking on it lets get to the good part if you have paid attention those games were centered around those key features like Black that was a game that just broke even on the charts because of the crumbling environment and the good graphics but it did not have the soft bodys. I think what I am trying to get at is that first it will incorporate all of these features all in one engine so it will make it easier to the developer to make the game with all of these features in it. Seconded is that we will see more games like those in the future because its all there. Well that abouts sums it up tune in next time.

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